Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Cartoon Time

Welcome! Many of you have been saying how much you enjoy each week's cartoons and that I should make a post of just cartoons, so I decided to listen to the people and do just that. Here they are, I hope you enjoy them because they took me a lot of time to make!

So there you go, the long awaited cartoon post! Tell me what you thought below and whether I should make this a regular segment. 

Also, tell me which was your favorite!

-The Anon Cartoonist

Featured: This weeks featured blogger is another Youtuber and good friend of a group who was already featured on the blog: TheFu. It's Lana McKissack! Also famous from Internet Icon, she currently makes hilarious Youtube video every week! Make sure to check out her Youtube Channel here:

Also, Lana if your reading this, comment below to tell me what you think and please share!

Awesome Links:


  1. Great!
    My favorite is pencil world.

    Michael E. East (Australia).

  2. LOL! I really liked those. My faces were the work one and the deploy the grass sign. Cute!

  3. Love it! Thank you guys! xo, Lana

  4. Been a while since I went into my reader, loveee the cartoons!!

  5. I would stick with the work related things to post.

